Atom By improving your vocabulary, you be aware of more synonyms and will better navigate the various tasks requiring synonyms for IELTS Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. But, none of the other suggestions in the thesaurus is suitable. padding:4px; To illustrate, lets look at what the word synonym actually means in this image from Cambridge Dictionary. Basically, your ideas should be conveyed to the reader in an appropriate way. For each keyword, think of some synonyms. important = crucial (extremely important), significant (amount or effects large enough to be important) common = universal, ubiquitous (if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be every where) abundant = ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people's needs and wants) stick = adhere, cling (hold on something tightly) But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Please do not enter any spam link in the comment box. Download. TELL " Tell me about the kind of accommodation you have lived in." The material may appeal to us, but it is the language and choice of the words that read us. Copyright - 2014 - 2020 BW English Services Ltd. How to expand your IELTS vocabulary for writing, Sign up to claim your free IELTS materials. Finding the right words. Trainer, educator, tutor, human instructor.. color:#fff; Bear in mind that some synonyms in the list below might not be "perfect" synonyms - there may be slight differences in meaning and connotation. IELTS Synonyms - E Eager - Keen Elevate - Raise Elevate - lift Elite - most talented Elitist - choosy or selective Emphatically - forcefully Enormous - Huge Enquire - Investigate Entrepreneur - own businessman Envisage - imagine it's true Envy - to have something same what others Epitome - best possible Escalate - increase Eternal - never ending background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #00e087, #a8eb12); Synonyms are different words that have the same or nearly the same meaning, such as male and man or third-level education and university. It does not store any personal data. Then, for example, if we want to paraphrase the sentence, I need a small improvement in my IELTS scores.. background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #00e087, #a8eb12); adverbs. To effectively improve your vocabulary, you can follow my Vocabulary Improvement Strategy. 30 sec Click to Generate Link Another issue is when a student finds a new word, looks up the meaning in the dictionary and then starts using it straight away. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Vocabulary is essential in IELTS Writing Exam. # welfare. One appropriate way to paraphrase children is by using the phrase; the youth. However, if you remember the definition earlier,synonymscan also be words with nearly the same meaning. color:#fce200; sentences. Useful or beneficial. This means that they must be both nouns or have both verbs. Candidates must keep a balance of using high vocabulary words as well as familiar words in IELTS Speaking as well as in Writing. The aim of this list is to enhance your vocabulary as well as IELTS essay writing skills quickly. This word catches out a lot of IELTS candidates because they know so many inappropriate synonyms already. Take a look at our synonyms to help you score higher in your IELTS exam. That means that its acceptable and often necessary to copy some of the vocabulary from the question. As you probably guessed, it is important to know these words to use in writing and speaking. The following terms are not suitable but commonly used; most, most people, several, numerous, a myriad of people, and several people. In writing, it is important that the audience is involved in your work. Process, steps, series,. This word indicates that its an opinion, not a fact and can be paraphrased with the synonyms; think, hold, feel, and maintain. Common words and their Synonym from A to E 2.Common words and their Synonym from F to M 3. The key now is to determine if really need to improve your vocabulary before you can get the IELTS score you need. Vocabulary Click on the website for more information. The exam is not conducted to check your vocabulary. This is often paraphrased with the word children, but teenagers are between 13 and 19, whereas children refers to people aged 0 to 18. Common ways that candidates incorrectly paraphrase nowadays is with the terms; today, in this day and age and at the moment. Task 2- Essay Writing IELTS Updates And Recent Exams upload all Recent IELTS Exam Questions across the globe. Unfortunately, a lot more research is required before you can accurately use a word. var newElement = document.createElement("p"); So if you find a new word in a thesaurus, its very likely that it isnt a suitable synonym to use. ielts essential vocabulary Top Ielts vocabulary words with meaning, synonyms, antonyms and sentences for ielts preparation. The adjective form is synonymous. . var clickbtn = document.getElementById("btn"); } else { }, 1500); For example, we can paraphrase extreme violence in movies as movies that are extremely violent. Vocabulary is equally important for reading and writing. Or you can type the word + in a sentence and many different examples of how the word is used will be shown. The main 7 words to avoid in IELTS exam: Good, Bad, Big, Small, Like, Very, Fast, a shocking quantity, a great deal, a plethora, a, incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary, dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant, loathsome, horrific, evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrable, pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparkling, start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate, enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainous, courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome, shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual, dull, tiring,, tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid, unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous,humdrum, dreary, quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof, shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sad, certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obvious, savory, delectable, appetizing, palatable, delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent, report, record, keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to, stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuance, appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, like, elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account for, just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honest, fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive, groundless, fallacious, well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, noted, notorious, quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily, expeditiously, like a flash, stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby, pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantine, fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehension, soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruise, humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, silly, acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvage, recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceed, stunning, stellar, excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample, salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifying, noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable, powerful, much, mighty, improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme, grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, low, pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyed, despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate, hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoy. So if you need to improve your synonyms for IELTS, what that really indicates is that you need to improve your vocabulary. Make an effort, use considerable effort should be devoted to, Do a good job, should be perform well, Do research should be conduct research, Get famous can be replaced with acquire fame, Get a degree is improved with earn a degree, Get skills sounds more academic with obtain skills.. margin:4px; Try these tips for thinking of and using synonyms: Quickly look through the questions and make sure you understand the context. idioms. } phrases. This blog will particularly focus on different synonyms which can be used to achieve the desired bands. Other methods include visually connecting the vocabulary on a chart or piece of paper or grouping them similarly in your notebook. var id; an unprovoked attack): self-assertive; attacking, offensive - annoyed people by his aggressive attitude; synonyms: bumptious, officious, obtrusive antonyms: meek, humble, retiring, diffident ambiguous: uncertain, vague, capable of being inter- in more than one way - puzzled For example, the words Awful and Bad. Words that are not suitable synonyms for your IELTS Writing are; youngsters, adolescents, teenagers, juveniles or kids. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score. Our Members have access to our bank of model answers. function startDownload() { }; They can be any part of speech that is a category of words classified together according to their function (including verb, adjective, adverb, noun, or proposition), provided both words are the same part of speech. Synonyms are the exact or real meaning of the words. Lists. Using Synonyms for IELTS Writing and Speaking, Why Candidates Incorrectly Use Synonyms for IELTS, Complete List of Academic Task 1 Vocabulary. Candidates, when speaking or writing in the IELTS Exam, often repeat and overuse certain words like good or nice. While a toddler and an adolescent are children, not all children are toddlers and adolescents, so you cant use these words interchangeably. That means that if you know a synonym, you should use it, but if youre unsure, just repeat whatever word will accurately communicate your ideas. A limited range of vocabulary will indeed hold back your score, and the solution to this is improving your vocabulary range. In this podcast we look at synonyms you can use for IELTS writing task 2. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. synonyms. Synonyms for I'm good. font-size: 30; Unfortunately, though, this is really common IELTS language and it is a big problem! These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Context is important when using synonyms for words like, important. While essential is a synonym, it is inappropriate to say, Addiction to the internet is an essential issue of our time. Synonyms & Antonyms Words List For IELTS The basic definition of a synonym is a word that has a meaning similar or identical to another word with which it is being compared. Good luck! Adjective :- Important The paraphrase is the first sentence youll write for every IELTS Writing Task, and its where you rewrite the question statement. stunning, stellar, excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, This is one of the most common mistakes that I see. clickbtn.onclick = startDownload; High quality or desirable. am i good. Lastly, idiomatic expressions should be avoided as well since they are not particularly academic. Having a good vocabulary is really important to IELTS success and so when you learn new words, think about their synonyms. Synonyms. Outdated, obsolete, out of date, outmoded, Excellent, fine, superb, splendid, wonderful, Pleased, joyous, cheerful, delighted, jubilant, Incredible, fantastic, fabulous, astonishing, Incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous. List of Ielts vocabulary words: POSTULATE (VERB): to assume Synonyms: posit, guess Antonyms: reject, deny GEHENNA (NOUN): bad situation Synonyms: misery, nightmare Antonyms: heaven, bliss PAUSATION . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This will help you to learn the appropriate context for different synonyms. If youd like me to answer that question for you, can join my free Live Feedback Lessons with this form. These include; humans, human beings, persons and humankind. Most Helpful SYNONYMS USED IN IELTS Part-1 Abate:- Subside, Decrease, diminish, moderate,decline, desist. It will also improve your band score under the lexical resources criteria. Company addresses: HK Office: BW ENGLISH SERVICES HK Ltd, Unit 2512, 25/F, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Hong To do this, you need to be good with synonyms. aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle, damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, pain, thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan, view, belief, necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant, primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-known, fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated, spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating, tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy, engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling, spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealing, hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, support, slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolish, indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggish, admire, appreciate, go for, love, adore, approve, cherish, dig, esteem, exclaim, fancy, prize, relish, savor, be gratified by, be keen on, be partial to, be pleased by, be sweet on, tiny, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous, dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minute, gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep, glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect, leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover, notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, explore, like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship, appreciate, savor, create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, get, label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand, sign, note, heed, notice, designate, plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge, temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen, mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchy, clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapely, fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recent, feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged, faded, broken-Part - portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragment, individuals, citizens, youth / mature adults, space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence, dwelling, set, site, station, status, state, plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement, intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprint, well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, current, quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam, place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, build, silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restful, truly, seriously, remarkably, significantly, correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fair, race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, flee, inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute, afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted, timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, apprehensive, display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal, prove, demonstrate, expose, unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slack, cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quit, tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic, sage, anecdote, record, memoir, odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregular, hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consume, disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeat, judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediate, distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril, disaster, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunch, hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesome, miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sad, employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exercise, absolutely, awfully, certainly, decidedly, deeply, eminently, exceedingly, excessively, extraordinarily, extremely, greatly, highly, incredibly, noticeably, particularly, pretty, profoundly, remarkably, surprisingly, terribly, truly, uncommonly, unusually, wonderfully, incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable, Part1: January-March /April-June /July-September, Part2: January-March /April-June /July-September, Part3: January-March /April-June /July-September, Part1 (Letter): January-March / April-June / July-September, Part2 (Essay): January-March /April-June /July-September, div.vmenu-float{ Uses cookies to improve your vocabulary good synonyms for ielts you can accurately use a word the... 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