In addition, the presence of Muslims along the coast increased significantly due to the increased trading activities in the Indian Ocean. From the ninth century to the twelfth century, Islamic culture flourished and crystallized into what we now recognize as Islam. The question is can there be a justified way of being a Muslim or not? The mass practicee of Islam by Africans is comparatively a recent fact. Sufis, or Islamic mystics a. During this time, the Oromo had settled in the south of Ethiopia. Satisfactory Essays. For readers unfamiliar with the On the other hand, the Kenyan case is different. These fields include medicine, art and literature, architecture, astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics. The formation of an Islamic cultural tradition 1. Arab traders maintained successful businesses in Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam and the island of Zanzibar. Just as the reigns of these two leaders marked highpoints in the growth of their empires, their deaths marked starting points for the decline of their great empires.. The Quran and sharia were main sources to formulate moral guidelines 2. During this century, Zanzibar emerged as a thriving center of East African trade between the interior and the coast. The two cultures believe that the daily activities are controlled by good or evil, and invisible forces from who is possible to win favors via the ritualized experience of ancestors. The trade routes extended downward into Mozambique and Malawi, and Westward onto the Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Buganda. This paper, This paper discusses the earliest travelers who visited the East African coast years before the dawn of Islam, and analyses the various strategic factors, which led Prophet Muhammad (SA.W.) The Portuguese took control of Kilwa and controlled the entire coastal strip. Islamization of East African Mainland However, Islam in the mainland has a more recent history. Most effective missionaries b. Aspects of Swahili culture are diverse due to its many influences. One major legacy of the Arabic culture is the incidence Islamic religion among the Swahili speaking people. We Will Write a Custom Case Study SpecificallyFor You For Only $13.90/page! It has a basis that commonly accepted by most of the traditional religious African with different roots. The cultural blend even created a new language, Kiswahili, which mixes Arabic with African languages such as Swahili. Here, at, we deliver professionally written papers, and the best grades for you from your professors are guaranteed! Islamic achievements also assisted in making daily life for the Muslim people a great deal easier. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Islam in East Africa has been known for many years to cohabitate with African Islam to an extent of intermixture. However, Swahili language and culture as well as Islam spread much earlier and extensively in Tanganyika than in any other interior neighboring regions. (Anon, 2015), The Ottoman and Mughal empires were two of the greatest and most successful empires to ever form in history. First, polygamy, divorce, and slavery are maintainedstriking, as they do, at the root of public morals, poisoning public life, and disorganizing society. However, they both had some similarities as well as differences. African Islam refers to Islam practiced the African way. Title: Impact of Islam on the Development of Swahili Culture. [emailprotected] Some Issues of Concern in the Linguistics of African Language, The African Association For the Study of Religion. CORRECTED: "The monsoon . Examples are the celebration of Kwanza as a holiday and the use of Kiswahili names by a sizable number of African Americans. Conclusion Migration across the Red Sea and from Egypt was a very long process by both Egyptians and pastoralists. This was because of Tanganyika had the largest number of trade route encampments and settlements of Arab and Swahili settlers. This is in the sense that one religion solely deals with the relationship of man to the spiritual. However, the parents of bride in both Swahili and Islamic cultures will often choose the groom for their daughter. As a result, Islam and Swahili spread into the interior at much later time. I enjoyed seeing the very old but astonishingly well structured buildings made of gold and other unique necessities. The king of Aksumite was converted to Christianity and later Christianity became the official religion of the state. Perhaps, this is the most notable impact of Islam at the coast of East Africa. The African Islam is universal framework of life that involves every human situation and governs the entire society. Muslim, Muslims MUSLIMS There has been an ongoing controversy for many decades regarding the ways in which Islam entered Indian civilization and culture. Another similarity between African Islam and Islam in Africa is that they both worship one God whom they believe to be the creator of the universe and underlies everything else in the universe. This is because they imagine Islam to have been introduced by Prophet Mohammed and lived by the founding community in Medina. *The Mongols had a significant impact on the spread of Islam and preserved and built upon Islamic intellectual discoveries. Topics: Ottoman Empire, Islamic architecture, Caliph. Cushitic people permanently got Islamized and occupied the horn of Africa. Liyongo Songs: Poems Attributed to Fumo Liyongo, Published by Rrdiger Koppe Verlag, Cologne, Gernany2004. The main centers of religious scholarship and learning have been Mombasa, Lamu, Comoro islands and Zanzibar. Islam and Swahili Culture on the Banadir Coast 25 "Reer Faqi" of Hamar Weyn.29 Similarly, in Brava and Merka, the Chief How about receiving a customized one? Book title: Islam in Kenya: Proceedings of the national seminar on contemporary Islam. The Swahili do not often use designs with images of living beings due to their Muslim heritage. During the German administration, Islam and culture extended and entrenched in the mainland Tanganyika. The king of Aksumite was converted to Christianity and later Christianity became the official religion of the state. Islam in East Africa has been known for many years to cohabitate with African culture to an extent of intermixture. [16] Some food items common in everyday lives of the Swahili are fish, tropical fruits, and exotic spices. Promotion of Islamic values a. Ulama, qadis, and missionaries were main agents b. Author: Abdulaziz, M.H. The extremely long cohabitation of Islam in Africa and African Islam has also had an impact at the cultural level of East Africans. Cities like Harar grew as Islam gained popularity in both the present day Somali and Ethiopia. Impact of Islam on East Africa Islam expanded trade routes in East Africa Majority of people in the City-States converted Development of Swahili culture- a blending of Africa/Arab/Muslim cultures Art/architecture is connected to Islam- mosques/decorate with geometric patterns Increased literacy They should also not be judged by what they choose to be or wear. Third, a barrier has been interposed against the reception of Christianity. During the process of Islamization, the key motive was clearly the desire to belong to a community. What helped the African city-states develop? During this period, Islam remained a religion for the minority. 804-506-0782 Special attention will be paid to particular developments and institutions such as: the emergence and expansion of Islam; the Qur'an and basic Islamic teachings; sectarianism; Islamic Jurisprudence; and political institutions (e.g. Toleration is unknown. 406 Words. Therefore, in the mainland of East African Coast, Islam is not only recent but is also identified with Swahili culture. During the high point of the Swahili city-states, Muslim traders controlled the slave trade within the Indian Ocean World. Of all the Islamic achievements, those in the fields of medicine, mathematics, and art were the most important and influential to the world today., The Islamics had many great achievements but I think their greatest one was building a trade route through their empire. century to the year 1325, the spread of Islam occurred in the trans- Saharan area in Africa. During the inception of Islam, for instance, ancestor worship was something primary with African religion. The voyage, over the next fewer years, broke into the heartland of the Ethiopian state. Swahili culture. As was the case in West Africa, Islam merged with African beliefs and practices (Insoll 2003: 172) (generally speaking, a semi-periphery exhibits politico-religious and economic organizational forms that derive from its dominant cores as well as from the peripheries from which it springs). An example is the belief among Africans that spirits can possess an individual. The cultural aspects of these empires, such as architecture and poetry, as well as political aspects, such as the right to rule, were all influenced by Islam. For example, Swahili cuisine has influences from Indian and Arabic cultures. The spread of Islam impacted many of these societies, affecting the rule of kings, changing the daily lives of many people, and changing the religions. Home Impact of Islam on the Development of Swahili Culture, Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. African culture is closely associated to ancestral soil. Alternate Names: Shirazi Dynasty. Swahili society has changed over time, as well as how our understandings of the region have shifted since Swahili studies first began. From 1450 to about 1800, the empires of the Savavids, Mughals, and Ottomans emerged to form a dominate society that had great impacts in lands such as India and Turkey. The belief that Sumerians and Assyrians were among the first visitors is supported by various archaeological and historical findings. 107-119 tS Projecting Islam: Narrative in Swahili poetry FAROUK TOPAN (Department of the Languages and Cultures of Africa, School of Oriental and African Studies) ABSTRACT This paper explores the role of the narrative in projecting the message of Islam in Swahili poetry. There are also alterations to certain dishes due to religious reasons. Within a few decades, vast numbers of people across three continents - Africa, Asia, and Europe - had chosen Islam as their way of life. Second, freedom of judgment in religion is crushed and annihilated. By continuing well assume you board with our, How to secure financing as a small business owner, How to Make a Business Plan for Any Business, 7 Crucial Macro Environment Factors to Include in Your Analysis, Macro Environment Examples in the Real World. The Arab conquest of Spain and the push of Arab armies as far as the Indus River culminated in an empire that stretched over . The Swahili people have, over centuries, developed cultural unity. One major legacy of the Arabic culture is the incidence Islamic religion among the Swahili speaking people. As such, they met Arabs and Swahili people who were occupants of this region. For instance, both Swahili and Muslim children have to attend Madrassa, which are religious class that involves studying the Koran and learning the Arabic language. For example, the concept of "in the distance past" in Swahili, using the word zamani, is related to the word zaman, which in modern Arabic just means "time." The Aksumite Kingdom lost its trade routes as the Islam continued expanding in the mid-7th century. The arrival of Portuguese in 1498 shook the situation. Despite the propensity towards disunity, the Muslim community continued posing intermittent threats to the Christian kingdom. However, these changes did not transpire by themselves. Periodical Article On Impact of Islam on the Development of Swahili Culture. The Islamization in west and south of the Funj Empire continued through migration and trade links. Mohammed H.A "The German Contribution to the study of African Languages" in Languages in Contrast (ed. Cultural Impact by Islam. These empires were influenced both culturally and politically by the effects of the Islamic faith. In addition, during the short administration of Tanganyika, Germans used Swahili as its administrative language and favored Muslims in the administrative positions due to its international alliance with the Ottoman Turkey. This is a challenge to extreme roots of the African way of Islam. Presently, Lamu in Kenya is the most widely acknowledged Islamic center along eastern Africa coastal strip as well as the interior of East Africa. Therefore, the southward penetration of Islam intensified. * The Mongols affected the Middle East in both positive and negative ways in terms of social, political, and economic stability., 1.The Ottoman Empire was the Islamic worlds most important empire in the early modern period, The video Islam: Empire of Faith was mainly telling you about the history and ways of life of Muhammad, Suelyman, and Mehmet. Open Document. Historically, the coastal people of Eastern Africa are Sunni Muslims and conform to the Shafii School despite Oman that conforms to Ibadi School being dominant power along this region. Islam established its presence on the Southeast African coast from around the 9th century, when Bantu traders settling on the coast tapped into the Indian Ocean trade networks. During this time, Islam had established itself firmly in east and south of Ethiopian highlands. Today, only a few stand like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Permanent Structures: Residences and mosques made of stone and coral. Uniting Society in Every Aspects Islam is a special religion that unites different societies all across West Africa. The arrival of colonial masters not only brought colonial administration and economic exploitation but also church missionaries came in force.Islam in Africa and African Islam There is much similarity between Islam in Africa and African Islam. Introduction The history of Islam in East Africa is extremely significant in elucidating the modern place of Islam. The arrival of Arabs and the converted Islamic Somalis intensified the spread of Islam along the coast of East Africa. A document from a commoner would show a first person perspective of the impact on Islams political impact through the rulers right to rule. Both empires went through tough periods of time, but at some point they also went through times of growth and prosperity. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 41(4), 376-384. doi:, The Ottomans and the Mughals are two of the greatest and most powerful civilizations of the modern period. According to historians, this is due to the extremely strong links between Hadhramaut in Yemen and the East African leadership. This article is published under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License 4.0, Copyright 2022. [3] Hughes testifies: Physical Address: EDUCATION BUILDING318262 Ext 28063 Email:, Profiles Home | Frequently Asked Questions | UON Home | ICTC Website, University of Nairobi A world-class university committed to scholarly excellence, Sheng and English : development of mixed codes among the urban youth in Kenya, Mohammed H.A. One major legacy of the Arabic culture is the incidence Islamic religion among the Swahili speaking people. The, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. The new established kingdom expanded northwards and became an empire. Some even keep prayer mats in their cars to take out and pray on. There are Asian, African, European, and American Muslims. Because of that, impact of Islam on Indian society is very big. It is also recognized that the coast of East Africa has had contacts with Red Sea and maritime India civilizations several centuries before the advent of Islam. The diverse history of the Swahili Coast has also resulted in multicultural influences on Swahili arts, including furniture and architecture. They therefore became a significant political factor in various Ethiopian states. Mohamed A. However, this does not exclude the ritual practices of some African religions in order to conciliate the intermediate powers. A new cohesion in the Muslim community substitutes the tribal and village cohesion without transforming the habits and laws of Africans. Nov 20th, 2018 Published. One can mention an entire series of factors showing the level of sociological and cultural proximity between the two religious cultures. Thus, Islam is something that put them together. The voyage, over the next fewer years, broke into the heartland of the Ethiopian state. Islamic culture and African culture believe that God does not interfere with the daily affairs. Editors: Bakari, M. Because of this, they got to learn from the different countries they took over such as Greece, Rome, and India. The use of arts and crafts is Swahili culture's other significant aspect. Muslim women are treated with respect. Furthermore, many concepts of time are imported Arabic words.This shows the impact of trade with Arabs on Swahili coastal culture. Welcome to the world of case studies that can bring you high grades! Both of these were very important to them because their culture was, Before the Modern Era, most empires were ran through a religion. What Is the Macro Environment in Business Analysis? They also maintained a peaceful coexistence with their neighboring communities. The Arabic and Islam language has been capable of filling the gap. Trade contributed to the spread of Islamic culture and led to a growing feeling of internationalism. However, during the 14th century, the Egyptian Mamluk conquered the Nubian. The process that resulted in Swahili culture took several centuries. In the mid-1520s, a major Muslim voyage mounted against the Christian state in Ethiopia. As the historian P. Curtin puts it: "The Muslim religion ultimately became one of the central elements of Swahili identity. Islamic achievements have helped other cultures adopt new ideas and make great advancements in an immense variety of fields. There are over 2 billion Muslims all over the world. That is called a theocracy. She must agree in order to get married. Nevertheless, the factor of religion especially Islam up to present casts a dark shadow over the role of religion in civilizing the eastern Africa coast. The Ifat and Muslim sultanate were established at the beginning of the 12th century. Author: Abdulaziz, M.H. In this regard, this paper discusses the various impacts of Islam on East African communities. At the beginning of 13th century, one of the major problems faced by the Christian kingdom that was ruled by Amhara was the threat of Muslim provocation. When they get married, the, The Islamic civilization had many great achievements and accomplishments that have contributed to world culture. The Eastern African coast has produced its own well-known scholars recognized all through the Islamic World. Islam practiced by Africans does not explicitly forbid this. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. 2 Pages. However, Islam in this large region has diverse and different histories. African Islam culture, besides the confusing diversity of its actual expression forms, is in reality much more than those in west mean by the term religion. Islamic values and cultural exchanges A. The spread of Islam was possible because of the trade and merchants in the Sahara, the many kings and their servicemen, and the journey to Mecca made by Mansa Musa., Muslim culture has many different cultural groups. Title: Impact of Islam on the Development of Swahili Culture: Author: Abdulaziz, M.H. The state of Aksumite in the highlands of Ethiopia prospered during the forthcoming seven centuries before experiencing a prolonged decline. Language planning has been looked at historically as a language problem phenomenon that arose when Third World countries began to gain independence from their European colonial masters. Some of the Cushitic people were slowly converted to Islam. Chapter 7(The Middle East) key concepts_ * The wolrd of Islam represents peoples of different ethnicities, cultures, and languages throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe who were unified through the religion of Islam while still maintaining regional diversity. The teaching of Islam came with tauhid where only Allah SWT, the only One God. The new prohibitions and prescriptions seem to have replaced the habits and laws without the need to attempt and understand their deeper meaning. 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118, USA. A Muslim should not be judged by what they believe in, if its different from others beliefs. These Islam prefer the Arab model of living Islam. As in West Africa south of the Sahara, Islam spread to East Africa by peaceful means through the actions of traders. It requires a change of name and the reading of the profession of faith, which is also known as shadada, before witnesses. Over these centuries, the coastal city-states had significant social, economic and cultural interactions between. This is seems foreign to Islam cultures. Slaves tended to be captives of war sold to the Arabian Peninsula and regions near the Persian Gulf. The East African languages are, in general, languages with solid vocabulary. 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